Ammas Restaurent - University City

Ultimate Comfort Food: Curd Rice

Curd rice is a popular and tasty South Indian dish that is served with a South Indian thali or meal. The rice is prepared using curd, and rice and tempered with mustard, green chillies, and curry leaves. Some make it more delicious by adding pomegranates, and grapes. It is quite simple and straightforward and can be cooked in just about 5 minutes. This simple and easy curd rice recipe is perfect for lunch or a light dinner. Curd rice is also known as thayir sadam or daddojanam or bagala bath in some South Indian languages.


This simple but delicious food comes with immense health benefits. Curd rice is always the perfect end to all meals. It helps cool the belly after a hot meal. As south India has a very hot climate throughout the year, this dish helps bring down the body temperature up to a great extent. It is also the go-to meal for anyone suffering from stomach ache. It doesn’t end there. The following is the list of benefits you reap eating curd rice.

  1. Improves your digestion

Curd contains probiotics and it improves our digestion. It helps the good bacteria to work better on our stomach and promotes better digestion. It prevents constipation, stomach ache and other digestion related problems.

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety

Apart from having probiotics, curd also contains a lot of antioxidants and essential fat which are great for our health. These compounds can reduce the stress and anxiety that persists in brain. That is why consuming curd rice can make one function better.

  1. Reduces your weight

Curd rice contains a lot of fiber. It has carbs which make the stomach feel full, preventing one from snacking occasionally.

  1. Curd Rice boosts immunity

Curd rice is easy to digest and this is the only one reason it is the best food to eat when you are ill. Curd is very rich in antioxidants which give the body the ability to fight infections. It also gives the body needed energy when ill.

  1. Antidote to menstrual cramps and stomach aches

Rice is the best source of potassium and magnesium, which helps reduce pain and stomach cramps. Curd rice is very beneficial for premenstrual cramps.

  1. Enhances the mood

Curd can be a good stress-buster which can lift your bad mood. According to many studies, probiotic bacterium and good fats, both found in curd, could help treat stress.

  1. Rich source of protein

Curd rice is a rich source of protein and calcium that help in building the muscles and the bones of your body. It is a highly recommended diet for children and young adults growing up.

Curd rice is often sought after for a healthy lifestyle and we manage to bring in the best of flavors. Garnished with curry leaves and pomegranates, Amma’s South Indian Chettinad makes sure to keep you fit all year long.


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